LYSI Omega-3 fish oil extract 240 ml
LYSI Omega-3 fish oil extract 240 ml
Oriola Oy

LYSI Omega-3 fish oil extract 240 ml

Weight: 0.5 kg.



Lysi Omega-3 (240 ml.) contains omega-3 fatty acids that have a positive effect on the heart. Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect. It also participates in the synthesis of proteins, cell proliferation, tissue breathing, prevents hemolysis of red blood cells.

Instruction: adults - 1 teaspoon (5 ml) once a day at mealtimes. 

Biologically active ingredients in 1 teaspoon (5 ml): OMEGA-3 fatty acids 1078 mg, including: Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) 345 mg, Docosagexaenoic (DHA) 460 mg. Vitamin E 4.6 mg, Vitamin A 230 mcg, Vitamin D3 10 mcg, Recommended period is 1-2 months. Recommended as a dietary supplement - an additional source of polyunsaturated fatty acids OMEGA-3 and vitamin E. Does not contain fish protein.

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Lysi Omega-3 (240 ml.) contains omega-3 fatty acids that have a positive effect on the heart. Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect. It also participates in the synthesis of proteins, cell proliferation, tissue breathing, prevents hemolysis of red blood cells.

Instruction: adults - 1 teaspoon (5 ml) once a day at mealtimes. 

Biologically active ingredients in 1 teaspoon (5 ml): OMEGA-3 fatty acids 1078 mg, including: Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) 345 mg, Docosagexaenoic (DHA) 460 mg. Vitamin E 4.6 mg, Vitamin A 230 mcg, Vitamin D3 10 mcg, Recommended period is 1-2 months. Recommended as a dietary supplement - an additional source of polyunsaturated fatty acids OMEGA-3 and vitamin E. Does not contain fish protein.

 Manufactured in Iceland.


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