Vogel Molkosan whey preparation 500 ml
Vogel Molkosan whey preparation 500 ml

Vogel Molkosan whey preparation 500 ml

Weight: 0.8 kg.



Poor digestive function affects 30% to 60% of people. Compared to men, women experience twice as much pain. Molkosan, made from organic milk, is traditionally used as a drink to soothe stomach pains. One glass of Molkosan in the morning and during meals soothes the stomach and makes you feel better all day long. It also improves your metabolism.

The positive effect of Molkosan is primarily due to the excellent composition of lactic acids. The product contains a large amount of L+ lactic acid, which is essential for the body, and it feeds the healthy microflora of the intestines. The healthier the microflora and the more balanced the composition of the bacteria, the better the functioning of the intestines and the whole body.
The L+ concentration of Molkosan differs from other foods that contain healthy lactic acids. Molkosan contains twice as much L+ as natural yoghurt, 2.4 times more than in cheese, and if we compare it with sauerkraut, the L+ concentration is 3.5 times higher!

Molkosan is made from organic Alpine milk.
Molkosan is made from the fresh, natural milk of happy cows grazing in Alpine meadows. The rich vegetation gives Alpine milk its special value. Milk from cows eating a varied, pure and natural diet cannot be compared to artificial, processed milk in various ways.
Protein, carbohydrates and fat are removed from natural milk during the production process of filtration. Pure whey is pasteurized as gently as possible in order to obtain special lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus casei) in the next stage of the fermentation process. The result is Molkosan L+, which is transparent and enriched with lactic acid.

1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon per glass of water.

whey concentrate with lactic acid enzymes, potassium citrate, natural flavoring. Gentle pasteurization.

Low-calorie product, contains no lactose. 

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  • Manufacture countryFinland
  • Brend
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