Herbina Refreshing cleansing gel 150ml
Herbina Refreshing cleansing gel 150ml

Herbina Refreshing cleansing gel 150ml

Weight: 0.18 kg.

Available in stock 50+ pcs


1 PC.

€ 6.95

Available in stock 50+ pcs


Herbina Refreshing cleansing gel cleans the skin and removes make-up gently but effectively. Leaves the face feeling clean, fresh and moisturized after washing. Contains ingredients that maintain the well-being of the skin, such as fermented horseradish extract, moisture-binding glycerol and oat xylitol. The fiber-rich domestic kaarnikka (crowberry) contains a lot of flavonoids, the concentration of which can be further increased by fermentation. Fermentation breaks down the active ingredients into a smaller form, so they work more effectively on the skin and are absorbed better. Oat xylitol, produced from the by-stream of Fazer's domestic oat production, is an effective and multi-effect active ingredient in skin care, which effectively moisturizes and helps maintain the well-being of the skin.

Suitable for all skin types. A fresh fruity scent. Made in Finland in Heinävedi.

    Ecocert Cosmos Natural certified, 99.6% natural ingredients
    Bottle 100% recycled plastic 

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