Home Care Oven Brite Kit 500ML
Home Care Oven Brite Kit 500ML
Astonish Car products

Home Care Oven Brite Kit 500ML

Weight: 0.66 kg.

Available in stock 50+ pcs


1 PC.

€ 3.95

Available in stock 50+ pcs


Our fantastic Oven Brite Cleaning Kit completely transforms racks, grills, and the inside of the oven, yielding unrivalled results. A bottle of cleaning solution, a rack cleaning bag, an oven sponge, and disposable gloves are included with the set. It features a strong antibacterial solution that destroys 99.9% of bacteria, deep cleans, cuts through grease, and leaves your ovens shining.

Set includes:

Product Code:


Our fantastic Oven Brite Cleaning Kit completely transforms racks, grills, and the inside of the oven, yielding unrivalled results. A bottle of cleaning solution, a rack cleaning bag, an oven sponge, and disposable gloves are included with the set. It features a strong antibacterial solution that destroys 99.9% of bacteria, deep cleans, cuts through grease, and leaves your ovens shining.

Set includes:

1 x 500ml bottle of cleaning solution1 x Rack cleaning bag1 x Oven sponge1 x Pair of dispossable gloves


For sparkling clean ovensDeep cleansPowers through greaseWith powerful antibacterial formulaEasy to use formulaCleans inside the oven, transforms racks & grills

Product Details

Product Type: Oven Cleaner Kit
Pack Quantity: 1
Size: 500ml



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