Astonish Specialist  Edition Clean & Revive 350g
Astonish Specialist  Edition Clean & Revive 350g
Astonish Car products

Astonish Specialist Edition Clean & Revive 350g

Weight: 0.4 kg.

Available in stock 100 + pcs


1 PC.

€ 4.39

Available in stock 100 + pcs


Introducing our Specialist Clean & Revive, a totally unique product for use on tea and coffee cups, teapots, flasks plus much more! Formulated to banish ingrained stains that dishwashers leaves behind,restoring items to like new! Now in NEW packaging made from more than 80% paper from sustainable forestry. PEFC certified ♻

Simply add one scoop to hot water inside the cup and watch as the instant foaming action gets to work.

Add 1 tablespoon (15-21g) of product to flasks or pots or 1/2 tablespoon per cup. Place stained cups, saucers etc. in the sin or on the draining board as the reaction may be vigororus and water may overflow. Fill with hot (near boiling) water and leave to cool 1 to 2 hours. Rinse well with clean watr after use. For heavily stained items, repeat if necessary. For use on glazed ceramics, glass, stainles steel and plastic pots and flasks. Do not use on gold, silver or aluminium. Use only on dishwasher safe items. for resin lined or plastic coated 

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