Klaro Car – Silicone Spray 300ml
Klaro Car – Silicone Spray 300ml

Klaro Car – Silicone Spray 300ml

Weight: 0.27 kg.

Available in stock 50+ pcs


1 PC.

€ 3.20

Available in stock 50+ pcs


The silicone spray lubricant is a petroleum and grease-free lubricant and protection agent for plastics, rubber, leather, metal and wood.

It restores the shine to leather and the elasticity of rubber seals, while also being water and dust resistant.

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The silicone spray lubricant is a petroleum and grease-free lubricant and protection agent for plastics, rubber, leather, metal and wood.

It restores the shine to leather and the elasticity of rubber seals, while also being water and dust resistant.

Door and window seals do not freeze solid in winter. 

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