- Cosmetic
- Vitamins
- Food products
- Hygiene & health
- For home
- Shoes
- Clothing and accessories
- Travel bags
- Pets supplies
- Childrens products
- Discount
- Omega & cardio
- Hair supplements
- Bones & joints supplements
- Eyes and vision supplements
- Digestion supplements
- Weight control supplements
- Multivitamins & immunity
- Minerals for body
- Vitamins for children
- Sports & protein
- Oils, spices, herbs
- Drinks
- Coffee & tea
- Jams and honey
- Sweets and snacks
- Chips & crackers
- Canned food
- Chocolate spreads, peanut butter, halva
- Sauce & mayonnaise
- Nuts & dry fruits & dry products
- For allergies & gluten free
- Sugar free
- Coffee
- Whole bean coffee
- Instant coffee
- Ground coffee
- Cappuccino, cacao, latte, dry milk cream
- Capsules coffee
- Tea
- Black loose tea
- Black envelope tea
- Green loose tea
- Green envelope tea
- Flavored tea
- Chocolate
- Chocolate bags
- Chocolate bars
- Chocolate slabs
- Chocolate truffles
- Marzipan chocolate
- Choclate in boxes
- Chocolate eggs
- Candy and confectionery
- Candy bags
- Candy boxes
- Lollipop and hard candy
- Sweet toys
- Jellies , gummies & nougat
- Cookies
- Stuffed biscuits & wheat biscuits
- Wafers
- Chocolate chips
- Ginger bread
- Coockies
- Chewing gums & pastil
- Easter
- Skin care
- Hygiene & hair products
- Cosmetics & hygiene products
- Dental care
- Men's products
- Women's products
- Gifts cosmetics and hygiene
- Face creams
- Day creams
- Eye creams
- Face & all-purpose creams
- Face masks
- Night creams
- Peeling creams
- Face-care products
- Body cream
- Hand and nails cream
- Foot cream
- Lips cream
- Body protection creams
- Nailcare
- Cotton buds & swabs
- Face wipes
- Hair combs & brushes
- Shower sponges & brushes
- Plasters & disinfections
- Hair dyes colors
- Accessories
- Women's deodorant
- Women's razor blades & hair removal
- Women's perfums
- Women's sanitary napkins and tampons
- Women's intimate hygiene
- Laundry detergents
- Dish washing
- Home cleaning chemicals
- Cleaning products
- Kitchen tools
- Home appliances
- Home textile
- Decorations
- Toys & batteries
- Stationary & crafts
- Garden decoration & accessories
- Mosquito & insects repellent
- Car care
- Liquid laundry detergents
- Washing powders
- Washing capsules
- Rinsing agent
- Other laundry washing products
- Stain removers
- Kitchen cleaners chemicals
- Oven and ceramic stoves cleaner
- Kitchen general cleaning chemicals
- Wc & shower cleaning
- Wc refreshners
- Window and floor cleaning
- All-purpose cleaners
- Air refreshners
- Other cleaners
- Food preparing tools
- Pots
- Mugs and glasses
- Scoops & spatula
- Knife & scissors
- Serving bowls
- Frying pans
- Storage tools & thermos
- Casseroles
- Quilts
- Blankets & bed covers
- Pillows
- Towels
- Bathrobe
- Shower towels
- Special towels
- Mats
- Bed sheets & sets
- Gloves
- Headwears & hats
- Scarves
- Socks & pantyhose
- Belts
- Women's pants & shorts
- Women's leggings
- Outdoor
- Slips
About company
Laplandia hypermarket (Atma Trade group) is a Finnish trade company established in 2003 with total area of 9000 square meters and over 10.000 different products.
We deal with all world's most known brands of food, chemicals, household, home textile and personal care shoes and underwear products.
Our prices are very competitive, and we pay a great attention to the customer services.